Friday, July 16, 2010


When I was younger their were several people that I considered to be huge inspirations in my life.  As I now look back after losing 230 pounds and keeping it off for over one year, I have realized who my one and only true inspiration really is.  One day many many years ago I received a phone call from my favorite musician in the world Mike Muir.  As soon as I answered the phone and he started talking to me I told him that he was my inspiration and that was when I heard the greatest advice that I had ever received.  He simply told me that we inspire ourselves and then we continued on with our conversation.  I never really understood what he meant until years later and many failed diet attempts where I had lost and gained massive amounts of weight.  In May of 2006 I weighed 442 pounds and was starting to have serious medical problems due to being as the Dr's called it severe morbidly obese.  That was when I remembered what Mike Muir said to me that we inspire ourselves.  I looked in the mirror one day completely devastated by what I looked and felt like and knew that no one but me was going to inspire myself to adopt a permanent healthy lifestyle.  That was when I began my incredible weight loss journey and knew that I was going to be successful and change my life for the better.  I began by making small goals of losing 5 pounds at a time and over three years I eventually lost all the weight because I believed in myself and was my own inspiration and still am to this day.  So for those of you out there that are struggling then I would tell you that you have to believe in yourself and be your own inspiration and absolutely anything is possible!!!       

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